
[01] Born and Bred
MP3: [complete]-5.2M
[02] 1 minute 2 ignition
MP3: [complete]-5.9M [edit]-885k
[03] Head keeps pounding
MP3: [complete]-3.9M
[04] Currant buns
MP3: [complete]-5.3M
[05] Big bristols
MP3: [complete]-6.2M
[06] Metamophosizing
MP3: [complete]-5M
[07] Strange atmosphere
MP3: [complete]-5.1M
[08] Island
MP3: [complete]-4.9M
[09] Out of the dark
MP3: [complete]-4.8M
[10] Lost in Atlantis
MP3: [complete]-3.7M
FreaQ are G.Crossley
(sydlox) and M.Hawkes.
All tracks are performed, produced, and mixed by G.Crossley
and M.Hawkes @ Boom
Devil Productions Ltd.All artwork and
design by G.Crossley and
"Through and through this album is a truly
sublime and unique work, etching across the digital stratosphere
like a spaceship filled with a sack full of sinsemilla and the most
potent of sonic textures, piloted by the madcap professors of sound,
known throughout the cosmos as ‘FreaQ’.
This album draws influence from all manner of genres and sounds
that encompass our universe, to create their own individual musical
landscape of truly lush cinematic soundscapes, riding over the most
mesmerising combination of beats and 100% heavy bassline ‘dub
style’ business, accompanied by the most delicate of vocals.
As producers and musicians, FreaQ’s
sound can only be described as prolific and remarkably accomplished,
some may find their sound hypnotic and maybe even hauntingly introspective,
but which ever way you choose to describe it, one thing’s
for sure, FreaQ’s
sound is bad to the bone."
-DJ Dub, Supercharge magazine
Aug 2002